Most pray for sun allowing for beautiful images outdoors with their new hubby, family and close friends. And if they’re planning for an outdoor ceremony and reception their prayers for a sunny day are even greater. Unfortunately when it comes to weather, there’s no guarantee.
With all the rain we’ve seen over the past few weeks it got us to thinking... Is rain on your wedding day really such a bad thing? Of course it never hurts to have a Plan B, such as a tent or alternate indoor venue when your Plan A is an open air outdoor space in case the clouds appear, but when it comes to your pictures rain can make for some fun and really unique photos if you’re willing.
Chicago based photographer Kenny Kim had this to say about photographing couples in the rain -
There is an old saying "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade." At every wedding, there is going to be a surprise waiting us around the corner. Regardless of what that surprise might be, we as wedding photographers try to make the best of all the situations. Inevitably, we are going to have days where Mother Nature will try to hinder the day. Instead of being discouraged by the situation, I think of it as an opportunity to get creative with photos. A wedding day is not about the weather but it is a celebration of a couple's commitment to spend the rest of their lives together. Capturing their emotion is more important than having nice weather. When humans lose one of their senses, the other senses heighten. As a photographer, when we are faced with limited options, our creativity gets heightened and often times we tend to see things that we did not notice before. Some of my favorite photos from weddings have come from days when it rained.
So why not go with it? Don’t let the rain ruin your wedding day! Find some fun rain boots, colorful umbrellas, and show the rain who’s boss. And last but not least, remember the Italian saying “Sposa bagnata, sposa fortunata” which literally translates to “Wet Bride, Lucky Bride”. Traditionally, if it rains on your wedding day you will have a very fortunate marriage. The rain symbolizes abundance and good luck which will spill over onto the new family.
Photo Credits: Braedon Photography